Healthcare meets Design
Revolutionizing Pediatric IV: Our Innovation, Your Comfort.
Welcome to an exploration of our journey, from the early stages of discovery to the development of cutting-edge products. Explore our research highlights, learn about the positive impact on healthcare, and uncover the inspiration behind our designs. Join us in transforming the future of pediatric IV care.
Why IV Cannulas?
35 to 50%
Failure of IV in hospitalized patients
Common Complications associated with IV
IV INFILTRATION & EXTRAVASION Infiltration is when non-vesicant solutions, IV solutions, and medications that do not have the potential to cause tissue damage through blistering and ulceration, accidentally leak into the surrounding tissue. Inadequate PIVC securement can lead to increased catheter tip motion, causing vessel wall injury or loss of integrity that results in infiltration. Extravasation is when vesicant solutions, IV solutions, and medications with the potential to cause tissue damage through blistering and ulceration, leak out of the veins and into the surrounding tissues.
PHLEBITIS Phlebitis is an inflammation of the vein. It can be caused by movement of the catheter relative to the vessel wall, resulting in pain and inflammation for the patient, or by a blood clot blocking a vein close to the surface of a person’s skin.
CELLULITIS When there is a local skin and soft tissue bacterial infection. This can occur anywhere on the skin, and is usually caused by a “break” in the skin barrier.
Most probable root cause: is DISLODGEMENT!
Hello from the innovators!
We are an enthusiastic team of engineering, design, and medical students. As researchers, we are making important discoveries in our area of focus. While everyone is working in their particular field, this collaborative Program means that we are all working towards a common goal.
"Innovation and renewal are required to keep a laboratory on the frontiers of science"
Burton Richter
Zeenal Punamiya
Program Manager| PhD Scholar Sr. Innovation Mentor| MedTech Innovator | AHA Instructor
Shreya Kurumpilai
Student Innovation Mentor
Biomedical Engineer | Founder and Coach at The Grammar Gate | Content Writer
Sannidhi Nayak
Product and Industrial Designer UI/UX | MedTech Enthusiast